A&L Nicotine Booster

A 20mg/mL nicotine booster by A&L at the PG/VG ratio of your choice

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Since the 1st of January 2017, due to the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), it is prohibited to sell nicotine bases in packaging bigger than 10mL.

This means that in order to make your DIY and nicotined e-liquids, you will have to get some 0mg/mL neutral base and 20mg/mL nicotine boosters, mixing them at the desired ratio by using the calculator provided on the website. Making your own e-liquid will become very simple!

A&L's Booster is manufactured in France and sold in flexible 10mL PET dropper bottles. It is available in four different PG/VG ratios so you can get the hit, amount of vapor, and flavor rendition you want for your electronic cigarette.

Non-contractual picture.

Vape freely with A&L's nicotine booster

You would like to vape sweet or mentholated flavours but you struggle to give up your traditional cigarette? Try a DIY e-liquid for an electronic cigarette! You simply need to add one or more nicotine boosters to your neutral base to rediscover all the feelings you love about nicotine. A few drops of flavor concentrate will provide you with an intense vaping experience and a personalized nicotine mixture. You can also vary your blends by adjusting the nicotine concentration.

Available in different PG/VG dosages, A&L's nicotine booster allows you to achieve a strong hit or a tasty vapor. The website's calculator will give you the necessary dosages to safely dilute it into your DIY recipes.

Add nicotine to your favorite flavors

Made in France, A&L's nicotine booster guarantees a quality e-liquid in the end. This nicotined base complies with the European TPD regulations. Sold in 10mL bottles, they allow for an accurate dosage of your DIY mixes. The dropper cap facilitates the product's safe handling.

Volume 10ml
Country of origin France
from 0.25 to 0.5 m / m precautionary advice on nicotine
Beyond 0.5 m / m precautionary advice on nicotine
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It is illegal for minors to buy nicotine products.

Nicotine creates a strong dependency. It is forbidden for minors,
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