What is an e-liquid ?

Achetez votre E-liquide, prêt à l'emploi, à utiliser avec votre cigarette électronique. A&L vous propose un large choix de saveurs et d'origines diverses et variées. Vapotez du e-liquide au goût classic, de menthe, de vanille ou même plus complexe pour une expérience savoureuse. Différents taux de nicotine et de ratio PG/VG sont disponibles pour vous satisfaire, et les fioles de e-liquides pour remplir votre cigarette électroniques sont quant à elles proposées suivant les marques en 10, 20, ou 30 ml.

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When you discover how an electronic cigarette works, you quickly realise that the e-liquid is an inseparable component of any e-cig kit. It’s generally comprised of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavourings, and sometimes nicotine. It can be packaged in different bottle sizes, from 10 to 100ml for example.

Contained inside your clearomizer’s tank, it’s heated by a coil that vapourises it so that you can then inhale it. In a way, this e-liquid is the e-cigarette’s fuel. Therefore, choosing the right one is just as important as picking a vaping device.

At Arômes et Liquides we offer a wide range of cheap e-liquids, available in all sorts of flavours, volumes and nicotine content. Know that it is possible to vape liquids without any nicotine in them, if you wish. Thus, all of our juices can be bought nicotine-free.

If you’re looking to quit smoking with an electronic cigarette, you should know that the e-liquid is what allows your equipment to produce the vapour in the first place. And if there’s no vapour, there can’t be any nicotine intake, thus compromising your withdrawal process. Several criteria determine which e-liquid you choose, such as its nicotine content, PG / VG ratio, and its flavour of course.

Vaping an eliquid that you like the taste of increases your chances of successfully quitting smoking. Often, beginners will turn to tobacco-flavoured liquids (sometimes called ‘classics’). But there are many other flavours out there, including fruity, tasty, sweet, mentholated and even drink-flavoured recipes.

It would be impossible to list all the flavours available, and the only limit in the end is your imagination. You’re bound to find one you like, and more importantly, what’s known in the vaping world as an ‘all-dayer’. This is the vaper’s holy grail, THE e-liquid you can vape all day long without getting sick of it.

Don’t hesitate to try out various eliquids, because it’s very rare to find your favourite flavour on the first try. Indeed, most vapers will tell you they’ve tasted dozens of juices before finding their main recipe. Don't panic though, our experienced team is here to help you pick one among our wide range of products. There’s something for everyone!

What is an e-liquid made of ?

This is a perfectly legitimate question, since there’s no point in leaving the toxic tobacco behind in favour of another toxic habit. However, contrary to what some media outlets will tell you, we know exactly what goes into an electronic cigarette liquid.

What is an e-liquid made of ?

An electronic cigarette e-liquid contains :

  • About 80% of ‘base’ liquid, made up of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. This mixture vapourises at low temperatures, so it’s perfect for vaping. Manufacturers mix these two ingredients at various PG/VG ratios (50 PG / 50 VG for example).
    • Propylene glycol is a liquid compound that’s used in the food, cosmetic and medical industries. It allows the e-liquid to be more fluid and, when combined with nicotine, will bring out the throat hit. This particular feeling results from the pharynx’s contraction when the vapour passes through it, which is much sought after by former smokers. PG has no taste or smell. It’s also used in e-liquids as a flavour enhancer. Therefore, the more PG an e-liquid has, the more fluid it’ll be, the stronger the hit will be, and the flavours will be more precise.
    • Vegetable glycerin is more viscous than PG. It’s often used in the food industry as an additive (listed as E422) and can be found in bread, for example. It has a slightly sweet taste and allows your e-cig to produce more vapour. Thus, the more VG an e-liquid has, thicker it will be, and it’ll produce more vapour.
  • Food flavourings, which generally make up between 2 and 20% of the e-liquid. These flavourings, as you can imagine, are here to flavour the liquid. They can be natural, artificial, or a mixture of both. They try to replicate the taste of fruits, drinks, pastries, and many other foodstuffs as accurately as possible.
  • Liquid nicotine, which is extracted from tobacco leaves using various processes. Its concentration in a given e-liquid varies between 0 and 18mg/ml. It cannot exceed 20mg/ml and cannot be sold in bottles larger than 10ml, in compliance with the European Tobacco Products Directive. Not all e-liquids have nicotine in them, it’s up to the user to choose which dosage he wants.

Some e-liquids may also contain :

  • Demineralised water, up to a maximum of 5%. It’s used to liquefy otherwise thick e-liquids, as it counteracts the natural thickness of vegetable glycerin.
  • Ethyl alcohol, which also liquefies the e-liquid, but also increases the throat hit and enhances the flavours. Few electronic cigarette liquids contain alcohol nowadays, though.

Which taste should you choose for your e-liquid ?

The great thing with electronic cigarettes is that you aren’t limited to tobacco’s tasteless and burnt scent. On the contrary, you can discover a whole world of flavours with your e-cig.

E-liquid flavours

The flavourings used in e-liquids are always of food-grade quality and can come from all over the world, resulting in an incredibly diverse production. France is one of the leaders of this market, and the Grasse region has become a key player of the French vaping industry, on top of its leading food and cosmetics manufactures.

Moreover, the vaping industry is becoming more and more professional. Many manufacturers will tell you how their liquids are made and what goes into them.

This is the case for Gaïtrend, for example, better known as Alfaliquid or Vincent dans les Vapes, who offers e-liquids that are entirely made in France.

Whatever the case may be, A&L only selects the best products so that you always make the right choice. You’ll find a wide range of e-liquids on our website, sorted by type and flavour :

  • Fruity e-liquids
    Fruity e-liquids offer all sorts of realistic juices, comprised of either one or several fruit flavours. Whether you prefer tropical cocktails or a good old-fashioned raspberry, the world’s your oyster !
  • Menthol liquids
    Menthol liquids have a main mint flavour, to which other ingredients are sometimes added. Beginners enjoy them a lot, as their freshness and power are not unlike some menthol cigarettes.
  • Dessert e-liquids
    Dessert e-liquids offer you a delightful selection of sweet treats, inspired by all sorts of pastries and cakes. Enjoy the lovely taste of caramel, chocolate, cheesecake and even popcorn, but without the calories !
  • Drink-flavoured e-liquids
    Drink-flavoured e-liquids allow you to quench your thirst with a wonderful iced tea, an energy drink or a tasty cocktail. If the drink exists, there’s an e-liquid of it !
  • Tobacco-flavoured eliquids
    Generally speaking, smokers who are trying to quit their habit go for tobacco-flavoured eliquids when they start vaping. It makes sense, as these blends taste just like their old cigarettes, and the more experienced among you will enjoy their accurate and characterful taste. They’re also referred to as ‘classics’ in the vaping world.

The e-liquid market is so diverse that it isn’t always easy to find a product you like. But, vaping a liquid that you enjoy is one of the keys to a successful smoking withdrawal.

Of course, it’s all down to your personal taste in the end. However, if you’re still unsure as to which e-liquid to pick, our team has selected a few for you.

This selection is made up of some of our most popular e-liquids, as well as a few ranges that work every time. The Red Astaire, Heisenberg, Relax and tobacco-flavoured Classic FR-M are some of the liquids that have already helped millions of vapers quit smoking, so why wouldn’t they work for you ?


In brief

If we have to give you one piece of advice on choosing your e-liquid flavour, it’s to trust your instinct. Choose flavours that you already like at first, but don’t hesitate to try out different products if they don’t suit you. Who knows, you might end up enjoying a recipe you didn’t even know existed ?

You can also favour the brands with the most rigorous and demanding manufacturing process if you want to be sure of vaping the best quality e-liquids.

Alfaliquid Classic FR-M Choice of the team

Alfaliquid Classic FR-M

A fruity and tobacco e-liquid that's great for beginners!
Le French Liquide La Chose Choice of the team

Le French Liquide La Chose

A great e-liquid for the sweet-toothed beginner vapers
A&L Ultimate Ragnarok Choice of the team

A&L Ultimate Ragnarok

A famous mix of fresh red fruits in a ready-made version
A&L Menthe Arctique Choice of the team

A&L Menthe Arctique

A mint syrup with a fresh taste by A&L


How do you choose your e-liquid’s nicotine content ?

Choosing the right nicotine level for your specific needs can be a bit confusing when you’re discovering vaping. Indeed, there’s no nicotine dosage on a pack of tobacco cigarettes, is there ?

With vaping, nicotine is absorbed by the body in a slower and different way. It’s harder to get the ‘fix’ that tobacco provides, so you tend to vape a lot to compensate, at least in the beginning.

The nicotine in e-liquids has a dual effect. Firstly, it creates the famous throat hit, i.e. the throat’s muscular contraction when the vapour passes through it. This particular feeling is very important for smokers. Secondly, it helps you quit smoking progressively, as it compensates for the nicotine that was in your old cigarette, whilst the electronic cigarette allows you to maintain your smoking gestures. That’s one of the reasons why vaping is so successful in helping people quit smoking.

Thus, the number of tobacco cigarettes you smoke per day can serve as a guideline in determining which nicotine level is right for you :

Occasional smoker

If you’re an occasional smoker who consumes fewer than 10 cigarettes a day, we recommend an e-liquid with a dosage of 6mg/ml. However, we recommend you keep a ‘backup’ e-liquid with a higher 12mg dosage if ever you need that extra boost.

Regular smoker

If you’re a regular smoker who consumes 10 to 20 cigarettes per day, then it’s better to go for an e-liquid with an 11 or 12mg/ml dosage. Again, keep an extra bottle of e-liquid with a dosage of 16mg/ml or more for hard times.

Heavy smoker

If you’re a heavy smoker that burns through more than 20 cigarettes a day, we recommend a liquid with a higher nicotine dosage of 18mg/ml. You can also opt for a more powerful electronic cigarette, where the power can be adjusted for a stronger hit or more vapour, depending on what you’re looking for.

Most e-liquid manufacturers offer their products with a 0, 3, 6, 12, 16 or 18mg/ml nicotine dosage, in order to please most users. All you have to do is select the dosage that suits you best.

Standard nicotine or nicotine salts ?

Nicotine salts

If you’ve browsed our catalogue of electronic cigarette liquids, you’ve probably noticed that we offer two types of nicotine :

  • Traditional nicotine, which is in most e-liquids. It’s available in various dosages, usually from 3mg/ml to 18mg/ml. This nicotine is in a purified liquid form, chemically extracted from tobacco leaves.
  • Nicotine salts, on the other hand, form a type of nicotine that’s much closer to the one found in nature, whose acidity is similar to mild tobacco cigarettes. This nicotine is more recent, but has become more and more widespread among the vaping world. Nicotine salt e-liquids generally have a 10mg/ml or 20mg/ml dosage. The benefits of nicotine salts are that they are more rapidly absorbed by the body, and they produce a weaker throat hit. Therefore, they’re ideal for boosting your nicotine level without getting too much of a hit.

However, vaping nicotine salt e-liquids requires specific equipment if you want to fully enjoy their effects, like podmods or electronic cigarettes built for indirect inhaling.

Halo Tribeca Salts

A legendary e-liquid flavored with tobacco and mini pastries, now with nicotine salts!


Which PG/VG ratio should you pick for your e-liquid ?

An electronic cigarette liquid relies on a mixture of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) to produce its vapour. These two compounds evaporate at low temperatures and are widely used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. Thus, they’re ideal for e-cigarettes :

  • Propylene glycol thins the liquid, enhances the flavours and increases the throat hit.
  • Vegetable glycerin thickens the liquid and weakens the flavours, but creates much more vapour. In most cases, it makes up less than 50% of the base liquid. However, some e-liquids are made up of just VG, also called 100% VG or Full VG e-liquids.
E-cigarette kit with e-liquid

To keep things coherent, all of the ratios on our website are listed as PG / VG. The most common ratios are 20/80, 30/70, 50/50 and 80/20.

Choosing the PG/VG ratio of your e-liquid is done according to your needs and preferences. Indeed, if you’re looking for very precise flavours or a strong hit, go for liquids with a high propylene glycol (PG) content. Conversely, if you want to produce more vapour and reduce the hit, choose a high-VG liquid. Finally, if you don't know which one you prefer, 50PG/50VG e-liquids are made for you.

Note that some users may be slightly intolerant to propylene glycol. The symptoms are a tingling or itchy feeling in your throat after you’ve inhaled the vapour. In most cases, this issue is solved by increasing the e-liquid’s vegetable glycerin content. This intolerance can be more severe for a few rare cases, especially if it’s an allergic reaction. Talk to your doctor about it if it happens, and try vaping full-VG e-liquids or liquids with vegetol in them, which are specifically designed for allergic vapers.

Are electronic cigarette liquids dangerous ?

If some manufacturers are less scrupulous than others, France is fortunate to have professionals who were among the first to come up with e-liquid manufacturing standards, such as the AFNOR standard. Therefore, you’ll benefit from the best quality on the market, at the best price.

Moreover, our team of experts sifts through many products in order to offer you only the best e-liquids. Buying on the A&L shop is a guarantee of the liquid’s quality.

You can also make your own e-liquid

DIYing, as it’s known in the vaping community, is a simple process that allows you to make your own electronic cigarette liquid. It’s more economical than buying ready-made juices, and it’s fun and rewarding. DIYing lets your imagination run wild, since you can create your own recipes and control the entire mixing process. Adjust the PG/VG base to your liking, add your favourite flavours and vape a customised juice at a fraction of the cost.

Since 2014, Arômes et Liquides has been specialising in DIY vaping gear. All the necessary equipment and advice you need to create your own eliquid is easily accessible on our website. Discover a new way of vaping and enjoy yourself!


Which e-liquid should you start with ?

It’s hard to give a definite answer to this question, as everyone’s taste is different. It’s almost impossible to give you a specific product and say it’s the right one for you. However, it’s important that you do find an e-liquid you like, regardless of its taste.

If a lot of beginners opt for a tobacco-flavoured liquid at first, because it reminds them of their old cigarette, this isn’t an absolute rule. It’s perfectly possible to start with a fruity or sweet recipe if that’s what you prefer.

The best tip for choosing your first e-liquid is to keep things simple. Try single flavours such as strawberry or mint, before moving on to more complex mixtures.

Different e-liquid formats

What are the different e-liquid formats ?

Although the current TPD legislation imposes a maximum size on eliquids that contain nicotine, there are many different formats to choose from. The most widespread is the 10ml bottle, which is the only one that can contain nicotine, up to 20mg/ml. The ‘longfill’ or ‘shortfill’ format is also a common one. It’s usually sold in 60ml or 120ml bottles, free from nicotine. The idea here is to add your own nicotine if ever you want any. This nicotine can be bought separately as ‘boosters’ and poured into the big bottles.

Nicotine salt e-liquids

What are nicotine salt e-liquids ?

Nicotine salt e-liquids contain a new type of nicotine that’s closer to its natural state. The body absorbs this nicotine much faster than the nicotine found in ‘normal’ e-liquids. Nicotine salts provide a new way of vaping and an easier way of increasing your nicotine level.

CBD e-liquid

CBD e-liquids

CBD e-liquids have been carving out an increasingly large place for themselves in the electronic cigarette market, and for good reason. CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, is a molecule that naturally occurs in cannabis. It has very interesting anxiolytic, anti-psychotic and analgesic effects, which have captivated the scientific field for several years now, leading to revolutionary therapies and treatments.

The electronic cigarette is a very interesting tool for CBD consumption, since the molecule is fully biocompatible with e-liquids, and it remains stable when heated at low temperatures.

CBD is not a drug and must not be used to cure illnesses or diseases. Ask your doctor for more information before using it.

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If you don't smoke,
don't vape

Vaping is a transition to a tobacco-free life without dependency on nicotine

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