A&L and FIVAPE: The repository of good industry practices

As part of a general effort to improve the vaping market in France, Arômes et Liquides and the other FIVAPE members have come up with a list of good industry practices for the online sale of vaping products.

The purpose of this document, drawn up with the help of the AFNOR, is to put service quality at the forefront of the vaping profession, in particular in regards to online shops.

You can view the entire document in PDF format by following this link:

Download PDF

The benefits of this commitment

Thanks to the commitment on the part of the vaping industry, you're sure of finding a wide range of varied products on our A&L webshop, regardless of your vaping style or smoking habits. From beginner products for electronic cigarette novices to all sorts of e-liquids, you'll find what you want on our store.

Also, this commitment towards quality customer experience means that every battery you order comes with a protective packaging and is carefully delivered to your door.

Likewise, customer support remains our top priority. Our customer service team is there to answer all your questions and support you throughout your vaping experience.

On top of all this, as part of our continued commitment towards the environment, we collect and recycle your waste vaping products.
Batteries, e-liquid bottles and electrical equipment can be sent to us to be recycled.

Finally, we continue to guarantee:

  • Original products in our shops and on our online store.
  • Complete freedom from the tobacco industry.
  • No tobacco industry products in our catalogues.

Our top priority remains to support and help you combat the risks linked to tobacco. Since the beginning of A&L, we're committed to the wellbeing of all vapers.


It is illegal for minors to buy nicotine products.

Nicotine creates a strong dependency. It is forbidden for minors,
pregnant women, and people with cardiovascular problems.

By entering this website, I certify that I am of legal age and that my country’s legislation allows me to buy products that contain nicotine :

Please enter your date of birth :


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