Voopoo Doric Galaxy Drip Tip Filtre (x20)

A pack of 20 mouthpieces for your Doric Galaxy kit

  • Drip-tip
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Are you the happy owner of a Doric Galaxy kit and you cannot go without its tasty puffs?

Get without waiting this pack of 20 mouthpieces for your disposable cartridges, cleverly made by Voopoo in a filter shape. Find identical sensations to the traditional cigarette in a tight draw in indirect inhaling (MTL).

The Filtre Drip Tip on Voopoo's Doric Galaxy podmod

The Filtre Drip Tip on Voopoo's Doric Galaxy podmod

A filter for your Doric Galaxy cartridge

Identical to the original included in the box, the filter drip tip will perfectly go in the cartridge of your Doric Galaxy podmod as a spare of your used filter, or the standard mouthpiece delivered with your kit.

Thanks to this nice pack of 20 drip tips, you can easily create a nice stock of filters so you can enjoy optimal performances in your podmod and benefit from good hygiene conditions.

Voopoo's Doric Galaxy Filtre Drip Tip

Voopoo's Doric Galaxy Filtre Drip Tip

For a tight draw in MTL

Particularly meant for vape beginners at the start or in the middle of a smoking withdrawal, the Doric Galaxy kit has a 1.2ohm sealed coil cartridge. And what could be better than a filter-shaped drip tip to make the most of its tight draw in indirect inhaling (MTL), giving you the same sensations as the traditional cigarette?

Voopoo recommends that you change your mouthpiece regularly, so you can vape in optimal hygienic conditions. Make the most of a set of 20 drip tip filters, for long hours of intense, flavorful vape.

The Filtre Drip Tip is made by Voopoo and is only sold in a pack of 20. It is exclusively compatible with the Doric Galaxy kit.

Drip-tip Proprietary
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