Nicotine salt e-liquids : benefits and drawbacks

Nicotine salt e-liquids arrived on the electronic cigarette market a few years ago. They're a great alternative for vapers who want to quit smoking and say goodbye to tobacco.

This type of nicotine is the one that most resembles natural nicotine. Nicotine salts are more stable than the nicotine that's traditionally used in electronic cigarette liquids. They're also smoother to inhale, as they aren't as irritating as purified nicotine.

Nicotine salts are yet another great tool in the fight against tobacco. However, we inform you that this type of nicotine won't necessarily suit every vaper. Indeed, it offers many benefits, but depending on your vaping style and habits it might not be the best solution for you.

In order to better understand this topic, we've written a short guide that should help you figure out if nicotine salts can indeed help you quit smoking more easily or reduce your e-liquid consumption!

All the benefits of nicotine salts in this video !

Nicotine salts and their impact on your Hit

The main advantage of vaping an e-liquid with nicotine salts in it is how smooth the throat hit is. The 'hit' is the muscle contraction you feel in your throat when vapour or tobacco smoke passes through.

However, this smooth hit doesn't necessarily suit every vaper. Indeed, many of them want a strong hit, as it replaces the one they used to get with tobacco cigarettes. If they don't achieve this particular hit, they risk feeling dissatisfied and are more likely to return to tobacco.

So, it's important to clearly identify your needs before you switch to nicotine salts. If the hit is just as important as a fine-tuned nicotine level, then they might not be for you.

Of course, you can give nicotine salts a go for a few days and see if you still feel any cravings at the end.

Nic salts are great for higher nicotine dosages

One of the major benefits of using nicotine salt e-liquids is that you can easily increase your nicotine level.

Indeed, you may feel like your current nicotine level isn't quite enough when vaping. But if you can't tolerate a higher dosage, say if you cough or your throat itches when switching from 3 to 6 mg/ml of nicotine, nicotine salts may be the solution!

Thanks to the smoother hit induced by nicotine salt e-liquids, it becomes much easier to increase your nicotine dosage. You'll be able to vape a 10 or 20 mg/ml liquid and achieve that satisfying feeling you're looking for, without the inconveniences of a highly-dosed e-liquid.

A faster nicotine absorption

The way nicotine salts are extracted produces a nicotine that has a very similar form to the one found in mild tobacco cigarettes. In addition, this type of nicotine is much more rapidly absorbed by the body!

Therefore, nicotine salt e-liquids are very interesting if you want to feel satisfied in a short amount of time. For example, if your job prevents you from vaping regularly throughout the day, using a nicotine salt e-liquid during your breaks can be a great way of keeping that craving feeling at bay. This kind of liquid, combined with electronic cigarettes, is a potent weapon in the fight against smoking.

A significant drop in e-liquid consumption

If, as we said earlier, you're having trouble increasing your dosage using traditional nicotine, switching to a nicotine salt e-liquid can help you better fulfil your cravings.

Moreover, you'll find yourself reducing the amount of e-liquid you vape! Indeed, when your dosage is lower than what you really need, you tend to increase the power of your electronic cigarette to compensate, thus vapourising more e-liquid.

By vaping a nicotine salt e-liquid, you won't have to increase your e-cigarette's power. You'll feel satisfied in no time and, consequently, you'll save a lot on e-liquids!

To give you an example, some vapers get through 8 to 10 ml of e-liquid per day with a 6 mg/ml nicotine content. After switching to 20 mg/ml nicotine salt liquids, their daily consumption decreased to just 2 ml !

This decrease also means that you aren't glued to your electronic cigarette all day long, if that's something that bothers you!

Use the right equipment

It may seem a good idea to increase your e-cigarette's power to compensate for the weaker hit nicotine salt liquids provide.

Instead, we recommend you use an electronic cigarette with a low power (between 10 and 20 watts), such as podmods, equipped with a coil whose resistive value is above 1 ohm. Indeed, as we mentioned before, you absorb nicotine salts way faster than traditional nicotine.

Adding to this, their dosages are much higher than what you probably use now (10 or 20 mg/ml).

So if you combine powerful equipment and nicotine salts, you'll vapourise more e-liquid and thus more nicotine! Doing so can result in an unnecessary nicotine overdose, which can cause headaches and dizziness. So be sure to use the right electronic cigarette when vaping nicotine salt e-liquids if you want to get the perfect experience.


It is illegal for minors to buy nicotine products.

Nicotine creates a strong dependency. It is forbidden for minors,
pregnant women, and people with cardiovascular problems.

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