Hellvape Fat Rabbit Hellcoil coils (x3)

Three powerful coils for your Fat Rabbit tank

Spare coils for your Fat Rabbit clearomizer

Hellvape has spare coils for your Fat Rabbit sub-ohm clearomiser! The manufacturer offers two types of coils so that every owner of its flagship device can do as he pleases.

These coils are designed for a direct inhale and a sub-ohm vape, so you'll get a thick cloud of vapour without losing any flavour!

You can choose between two sets of cleverly designed and long-lasting coils, the H7-02 and H7-03 Hellcoils respectively.

Incredible sub-ohm performances!

Hellvape knows that just releasing the Fat Rabbit atomiser wasn't enough. It had to provide vapers with the ultimate coils if they were to enjoy the atomizer to its fullest. Therefore, the brand worked hard to design said coils, available in two different configurations:

  • a set of three H7-02 mesh Hellcoils, of 0.2 ohm each, to be used between 60 and 80w for an abundant vapour and rich flavours
  •  a pack of three H7-03 Hellcoils, with a nichrome quad coil OCC build, of 0.15 ohm each, to be used between 60 and 80w as well. These heat up quickly and produce great flavours

Unlike most coils, these ones have been designed to operate at a specific wattage. Indeed, the manufacturer recommends you set your e-cigarette to 80w, and it's with this precise setting that you'll obtain the best results.

However, you can slightly adjust this setting by adjusting your clearomizer's airflow.

We recommend you soak your coil before using it for the first time, by pouring a few drops of e-liquid on it and letting it sit in a full tank for a few minutes.

The sets of three coils for the Fat Rabbit clearomizer are manufactured by Hellvape.

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