What are the CBD's effects ?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is an active substance found in cannabis, and it gets quite a bad press due to its origin. However, unlike its infamous cousin THC, CBD has a radically opposite effect. The latter has a different molecular structure and is used in a completely different way.

This is why we find more and more CBD e-liquids for electronic cigarettes. Before you buy these liquids, read on to understand how the molecule works and how it impacts your body, so as to fully benefit from their effect once you have them.

Can CBD help you combat stress or quit smoking? A&L has looked into it and brings you all the essential information you need to know about the CBD's effects.

We explain all of the CBD's effects !

What's the difference between CBD and THC?

It's important to understand what distinguishes CBD from THC before you get started.

These two molecules are often mistaken for each other because they come from the same plant, namely cannabis. As a result, CBD is often tarnished by the dirty reputation THC has.

Yet, even though their molecular structure is very similar, one little detail sets them apart. Indeed, if the number of atoms that compose them is the same, the way they're arranged gives CBD and THC completely different chemical properties.
That's why the body doesn't react in the same way when consuming THC or CBD.

THC is responsible for the psychoactive effects associated with cannabis consumption. On the other hand, CBD has anxiolytic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, all whilst reducing withdrawal symptoms. This explains why THC is totally illegal in France and many other countries, as it's an addictive drug. CBD, though, is legal if it follows a strict framework, and is therefore available in e-liquid form for your electronic cigarette.

How does CBD impact the body?

As we said above, CBD is just one of the dozen of cannabinoids present in cannabis. The two most renowned ones are THC and CBD. Their effects are completely different, but how come we feel relaxed when vaping CBD?

As incredible as it sounds, our bodies naturally secrete a chemical called endocannabinoid, otherwise known as an endogenous cannabinoid.

These natural substances are the proof that we have cannabinoid receptors throughout our body, which explains why we react to CBD or THC.

There are two types of cannabinoid receptors:

  • the CB1 receptors

They are mainly found in the central nervous system. It's through them that THC creates a state of euphoria.

  • the CB2 receptors

They're found in the immune system and modify its characteristics.

The signals are transmitted via the G protein, which stir these receptors and transmit an information.

How does CBD impact our body's cannabinoid receptors? To be honest, CBD only has an extremely limited impact on these receptors. It's mainly the THC molecule that binds itself to the CB1 receptors, and thus acts on our nervous system. This explains its well-known influence on the brain, meaning it's a psychoactive substance.

CBD, for its part, doesn't affect the receptors nor the brain. Therefore, it cannot be considered psychoactive nor addictive. That's why CBD is legal in France and many other countries, unlike THC.

It can even be said that CBD is the opposite of THC, since it counteracts the latter's impact on the CB1 receptors and thus reduces THC's effects, if consumed at the same time.

So, how does CBD impact our body?

CBD has a natural affinity for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects your mood. It's this substance that makes you happy, for example.

CBD also works in tandem with anandamide, which has analgesic properties and plays a role in our body's reward system. That's why CBD can help you get rid of various addictions!

Finally, there is a correlation between CBD and adenosine receptors, as the former increases the latter's concentration in the body, resulting in an anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, CBD influences our pain feeling and reduces inflammations.

However, we remind you that the facts stated above haven't all been clearly proven yet and are still the subject of many studies. Therefore, it's important to only use CBD for relaxing. It should never be consumed for medicinal purposes or to substitute a medical treatment. If you have any questions about this, ask your doctor.

CBD e-liquids and their therapeutic effects

From what you've read before, you can imagine that the hemp-derived molecule has some positive effects.

Indeed, using CBD in e-liquid form can have many therapeutic benefits for the user who vapes it.

It has a calming and soothing effect, and it can even relax your muscles. Moreover, its anxiolytic properties can help you fall asleep more easily.

For some chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or fibromyalgia, CBD can help get rid of the feeling of pain and inflammation.

Finally, CBD is also known for its excellent results in the fight against addiction. Studies show how effective it is, in particular among people addicted to THC or nicotine! Therefore, combining CBD and electronic cigarettes can be an effective way of quitting smoking!

Get the most out of your CBD e-liquid

It's important to vape your CBD e-liquid in certain conditions if you want to fully experience its positive effects. Here are a few tips so that you can make the most of this experience.

  • Vape CBD with the proper equipment

To do so, we recommend a straightforward electronic cigarette with a maximum power that doesn't exceed 30 watts. With CBD, you don't need to produce a lot of vapour, it's the flavours and vaping quality that matter the most!

  • Favour a tight draw

CBD e-liquids naturally produce a rather strong hit (the muscle contraction you feel in your throat when the vapour passes through). This sort of hit is similar to the one you'd get with a strongly nicotined e-liquid. By combining a low power and a tight draw, you'll get an excellent vape and accurate flavours, all with a strong but tolerable hit.

  • Space out your vaping sessions

If you compare CBD e-liquids with traditional electronic cigarette liquids, you'll notice that CBD takes longer to act than nicotine does. So, it's best to vape CBD in short sessions, spacing out each session by 10 to 20 minutes, to give you time to witness the effects and repeat the process if needs be.

  • Don't mix nicotine and CBD

Seeing as you can create your own CBD e-liquid, it can be tempting to add a CBD booster to your already nicotined e-liquid. Let us tell you that it would be a big mistake. Rest assured, doing so doesn't pose a risk to your health, but the respective effects of nicotine and CBD are completely opposite, and would cancel each other out if vaped at the same time. Choose a nicotine-free e-liquid instead, it'll work better with CBD!

Once everything's ready, these following tips should help you to peacefully enjoy the cannabidiol's effects.

Does CBD have any side effects?

Although they are very rare, CBD can have a few side effects:

  • A feeling of dryness in your mouth: This phenomenon is caused by the e-liquid's ingredients, particularly the propylene glycol (PG), which interact with the receptors on your salivary glands. You may have already felt a similar feeling when vaping a traditional e-liquid. All you have to do is reduce your CBD dosage or space out your vaping sessions.
  • Dizziness: Vaping CBD can sometimes cause a drop in blood pressure. As a result, you may feel slightly dizzy or lightheaded. Lie down for a little while until things get back to normal and reduce your CBD dosage the next time.
  • Drowsiness: As we mentioned earlier, the CBD molecule relaxes the nervous system and muscles. If your dosage is too strong, you may feel a bit drowsy. That's why it's extremely important to not vape CBD before driving, or before any activity that requires concentration and focus.
  • Throat irritation: The mixture of CBD and propylene glycol that make up every CBD e-liquid produces a strong hit in the back of your throat, which can lead to an unpleasant irritation if you're a bit sensitive to it. We recommend you dilute your e-liquid with more vegetable glycerin to solve this issue. In a few rare cases, you may notice a loss of appetite, digestive problems, nausea or even migraines. Your e-liquid's dosage is often responsible for this.

We remind you that CBD cannot be used for medicinal purposes or as a replacement for any medical treatment. If you notice any side effects whilst vaping CBD, we recommend you see your doctor and show him your bottle of CBD e-liquid.

More information on CBD e-liquids:

  • What differentiates CBD and THC
  • Learn how to make your own CBD e-liquid
  • Our advice on how to properly vape your CBD e-liquid and enjoy it


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