What's the difference between CBD and THC ?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a molecule extracted from the cannabis plant. It has become more and more widespread in recent years because of its anxiolytic properties. In the world of electronic cigarettes, it's present in the form of CBD e-liquids. Yet, it is still too often confused with tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC. The illegal cannabinoid is famous for its psychoactive properties and has given a bad name to the whole hemp industry.

If the two aforementioned molecules don't have the same name, it's because they don't do the same thing. Each one has its properties, benefits and constraints. Nevertheless, CBD is an interesting option for vapers.

Let's see what differentiates CBD and THC, and also what makes the cannabidiol molecule a mainstay of the electronic cigarette world.

The differences between CBD and THC

The origins of CBD and THC

To better understand these two molecules, it's important to know where they come from.

CBD and THC have one thing in common, they both come from the cannabis plant. They're part of the cannabinoid family, which are a type of chemical that acts on various parts of the body, such as the nervous system, several organs and the brain.

However, CBD and THC don't act in the same way. You may already know this, but cannabidiol (CBD) doesn't make you 'high' like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) does.

That's why CBD is legal in France and many other countries, unlike THC. Indeed, the current legislation states that CBD e-liquids can only contain a maximum amount of 0.2% of THC for them to be marketable.

CBD's properties

Unlike THC, which is considered a drug in most countries due to its psychoactive and addictive effects, cannabidiol is on the opposite spectrum entirely.

Indeed, it seems that CBD has an interesting therapeutic effect. It appears to have anxiolytic properties, which is great for combatting anxiety-related disorders, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which will soothe certain pains.

Moreover, CBD could prove effective for smoking withdrawals, as it can alleviate the symptoms associated with the smoking addiction. It can therefore be an interesting solution for quitting smoking whilst vaping.

Today, research tends to confirm these properties. However, we remind you that CBD e-liquids must not be regarded as medication. They cannot replace a medical prescription if you're being treated for something. If in doubt, ask your doctor for help.

The specificities of THC

THC is the infamous cannabis molecule, known for its psychoactive effects. Its full name is tetrahydrocannabinol, it has the same molecular structure as CBD (21 atoms of carbon, 30 atoms of hydrogen, and 2 atoms of oxygen), but its atoms are arranged differently from those that compose the CBD molecule.

This tiny difference is what gives the molecules their radically opposite chemical properties. It's also the reason why the body is affected differently by the two substances.

THC is the cannabinoid that produces a psychotropic effect on the brain. In other words, it changes the user's state of consciousness. It can also cause serious damage to the brain when consumed at a young age, and it creates a form of addiction that classes it as an illegal drug in many countries, including France.

CBD and THC, a natural opposition

The CBD molecule is fascinating in many ways! For example, did you know that cannabidiol is naturally capable of cancelling the psychotropic effects of THC?

More specifically, consuming CBD can reduce the anxiety-inducing effects of THC. The latter targets the brain receptors, whilst CBD targets those that are in the rest of your body. Thus, it would sedate the THC's negative effects!

Is CBD an effective substitute?

As surprising as it may seem, CBD can be used as a withdrawal tool for getting rid of your THC or nicotine addiction!

CBD has many amazing uses, and fighting addictions is just one of the things it's good at.

A study published in 2013 shows the impact of CBD consumption on a sample of smokers. After two weeks of testing, the smokers who used CBD reduced their tobacco consumption by almost 40%. It isn't a far stretch to assume that cannabidiol could be an effective way of helping smokers withdraw from their tobacco habit.

However, we recommend you use a traditional nicotine e-liquid as part of your smoking withdrawal arsenal, as we have more hindsight on its effectiveness and harmlessness.

Is CBD legal in France?

If CBD and THC have radically opposite properties, they are both extracted from the cannabis plant, so are they legal in France?

In France, tetrahydrocannabinol substances are listed as narcotics, so their use is strictly regulated. In general, the French law bans any operation related to cannabis, in particular its production, use and possession.

However, there is a derogation that allows the use of hemp for industrial and commercial purposes, on the sole condition that the varieties used don't have any narcotic properties (meaning they contain less than 0.2% of THC).

Thus, CBD e-liquids are completely legal in France as long as they meet these requirements.

Additional material about CBD e-liquids:

  • Learn how to make DIY CBD e-liquids thanks to our expert advice
  • Find out how to vape CBD e-liquids and get the most out of them
  • What are the effects of CBD on your body?


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