How do health insurances reimburse electronic cigarettes ?

In addition to improving the state of your lungs, vaping also makes you save a lot of money! Indeed, vaping costs less than smoking. Electronic cigarettes, otherwise known as personal vapourisers, are establishing themselves as an effective tool for reducing the risks linked to tobacco.

So, if vaping is a way of taking care of your health, you can rightfully ask yourself if it's reimbursed by your health insurance.

Moreover, it would lower the cost of buying your e-cig equipment the first time round.

We've listed the French insurance companies that currently cover electronic cigarette costs, as well as the different steps you need to take to be reimbursed.

mutuelle remboursement cigarette électronique

Which insurances cover vaping products?

Health insurance companies should take interest in reimbursing vaping products. It's better for them if their policyholder is in good health, from a financial point of view. Indeed, he'll cost less to the company in the long run.

If we take into account the efficiency of vaping as a nicotine substitute, it's a good idea for insurance companies to cover vaping products.

That's why more and more insurers offer a 'smoking withdrawal' plan that covers the cost of nicotine substitutes. If you're indeed eligible, your insurance company can reimburse you for the purchase of your electronic cigarette, but also for your e-liquids. In most cases, this compensation is fixed to a certain amount per year.

Here's a few examples of French insurance policies that cover electronic cigarettes, and their conditions:

  • Groupama: After presenting a doctor's prescription and a receipt for your e-cigarette equipment, this company can reimburse you up to 50€, depending on your contract.
  • Maaf: This company can refund up to 50% of your e-cigarette and e-liquid expenditures, provided you show them a doctor's prescription and a receipt.
  • Axa: This company adopts an annual fee policy. Policyholders can be reimbursed between 50 and 150€ every year for their e-liquid purchases, provided they are AFNOR-certified.

Here's a list of all the health insurance companies that cover electronic cigarettes in one way or another*:

Insurance nameYearly compensation in euros
AG2R 50€/year
APRIL 50€/year
Assurance Santé 30€/year
AVIVA 75€/year
CNM Santé 75€/year
Euro-assurance 50€/year
Generali 40€/year
Groupama 50€/year
La mutuelle générale de Paris 30€/year
LMDE 50€/year
MAE 50€/year
Maxance Santé 50€/year
MEP 70€/year
Mutuelle de France plus 100€/year
MVS 50€/year
Myriade 75€/year
Mutuelle j'adhère 50€/year
Neoliane 75€/year
Smeno 150€/year
Radiance 50€/year

*This list is subject to change. We recommend you contact your insurance company to find out more.

Conversely, here's a list of insurance companies that don't cover electronic cigarettes:

  • Adréa Mutuelle
  • Allianz
  • Apréva
  • Direct Assurance
  • Gan
  • MAIF
  • Matmut
  • Malkoff Médéric Humanis
  • Pacifica

This list is for information purposes only and is subject to change.

How to get reimbursed by your insurance company

You've decided to quit smoking and go for an electronic cigarette, and you want to know if your insurers will reimburse your equipment or e-liquid purchases? Here's what you need to do:

1. Contact your insurers and find out what the terms and conditions are. These often vary, depending on what options you subscribed to when opening your contract.

2. Order your favourite e-liquids on A&L's website, but make sure they're actually reimbursed by your insurance first. Your contract should list any specifications, if there are any.

3. Once your order arrives at your door or in the relay of your choice, print the receipt by logging onto your online account.

4. Give your invoice or receipt to your health insurance company in order to be reimbursed. In some cases, you'll have to provide a medical prescription with your receipt.

More information about electronic cigarette reimbursements

  • Does social welfare pay for electronic cigarettes?


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