Vaping helps you take care of your relatives

Among the many benefits of quitting smoking by using an electronic cigarette, taking care of your health is the most important one. Opting for a vaping device is an incredibly effective way of saving your life, but not only that.

In addition to protecting you from the thousands of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals linked to tobacco combustion, vaping also allows you to save money. Seeing as a pack of cigarettes costs about 10€, and vaping costs 1€ per day on average, you don't need to be a mathematician to figure out which one is best!

You don't only take care of your health and wallet when you vape, you also take care of your relatives, and that's priceless!

Does passive vaping exist?

With the rapid rise of electronic cigarettes as a smoking withdrawal tool, the public health authorities naturlly looked into them to see if there were any health issues.

We now know that numerous studies were conducted to discredit electronic cigarettes, using them in ways that don't reflect how a vaping device is truly used. However, there are more and more studies that seek to further understand this new tool. They're a great help in the fight against tobacco. And Arômes et Liquides is fully committed to this vital mission!

Moreover, it would be a great mistake to liken passive smoking to passive vaping. Indeed, as we mentioned above, cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 toxic compounds, many of which are known carcinogens, and we keep discovering more of them every day! Conversely, the e-liquid vapour produced by your electronic cigarette doesn't contain any of these dangerous substances.

Also, the vapour doesn't have the same density as cigarette smoke. Indeed, the latter is much heavier than e-liquid vapour! The vapour, which is made up of millions of small droplets, quickly evaporates in the air in about fifteen seconds. Whereas tobacco smoke never completely disappears. It tends to settle on every surface it touches, including clothes, wallpaper and hair.

What about nicotine then? When the vapour is exhaled, the nicotine is so diluted that there's only a small trace of it left. The risk of becoming dependent to it whilst being next to a vaper is close to zero.

The only bother passive vaping can cause is the smell, if the vapour is flavoured. So, think of your friends and family before you vape!

Vaping smells good

Another significant advantage of quitting tobacco in favour of vaping is that you no longer have the stench of cold tobacco.

Tobacco combustion particularly inhibits your sense of smell and taste, and your relatives have surely told you already how unpleasant your clothes or home smell.

Indeed, unlike cigarette smoke, the vapour that comes out of your clearomizer is made up of millions of droplets that quickly evaporate in the air. It only takes a few seconds for them to completely disappear, unlike tobacco smoke, which is denser and tends to settle on every surface. Whether it's your curtains, tapestry, carpet, clothes or hair, nothing is spared!

In addition to this, it leaves a residual stench that non-smokers don't like. This cold tobacco smell lingers and sticks with you throughout your whole smoking life, from your house to your car, including your clothes and your breath, which may be bothersome as you can imagine.

When you take up electronic cigarettes, you can finally get rid of all these stubborn smells, all the while saving your life. Isn't that great? Vaping allows you to get your sense of smell and taste back, as well as improve your health and increase your life expectancy. After only a few weeks, you'll fully regain your senses, which were disturbed by the tobacco's combustion and its additives up until now. Then, you'll be the one bothered by your colleague's smell as he returns from his cigarette break!

Vaping and caring for the environment

People mostly talk about the health problems linked to tobacco, but they tend to forget how this industry kills our environment and our planet. On top of the disgusting cigarette butts that end up scattered across the landscape, tobacco growing is an intensive agriculture that's responsible for deforestation, pesticides and various pollutions. It's estimated that the tobacco industry burns or cuts down dozens of millions of trees per year, all for manufacturing the paper and filters, or to make room for more tobacco crops. In 1994, according to a study conducted by Peter Taylor, the deforestation caused by tobacco production amounted to approximately 60 million trees per year, not forgetting the 9 to 10 million trees used for making matches.

You can do something to stop this, simply by quitting smoking. With vaping, you don't throw any cigarette butts away, which often end up in our environment. A lot of smokers have this disgusting habit, and it has dramatic consequences for our environment and biodiversity. Know that 10 billion of the 15 billion cigarettes produced each year end up in the wild. A cigarette butt isn't biodegradable, it takes about 5 years to fully decay, polluting the surrounding soil, water and fauna in the process.

In short, by opting for an electronic cigarette you're getting rid of a major source of pollution, and at the same time you're taking care of those around you!

Discover all the benefits of electronic cigarettes

  • Take care of your health with electronic cigarettes.
  • Save money with electronic cigarettes.
  • Vaping as a withdrawal tool.


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Nicotine creates a strong dependency. It is forbidden for minors,
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