How to prevent ageusia

It's not uncommon for vapers to experience taste disorders and to forget how important it is to change their eliquid flavour from time to time, regardless of their experience.

These disorders can take different forms, such as ageusia, hypogeusia or dysgeusia. They can also have various causes, and in vaping there are some simple and quick solutions for this.

Let's explore the source of these taste disorders and see what you can do to prevent them from happening in the first place!

Ageusia, hypogeusia and dysgeusia, what's the difference?

Taste disorders associated with vaping can take different forms and are often mistaken for one another. Here's a summary of what distinguishes them, so as to avoid confusion and act accordingly:

  • Ageusia is the complete lack of taste.
  • Hypogeusia is a decrease in taste sensitivity, but it's still there.
  • Dysgeusia is a distortion of the sense of taste, where taste buds can confuse one flavour with another.

These various disorders are relatively common among vapers, but most of the time they're  temporary and aren't an indicator of medical problems. But if these problems don't disappear after a few weeks, we recommend you go and talk to your doctor about them.

Ageusia and hypogeusia are very often mixed up by vapers, who usually talk about the former whilst actually suffering from the latter. Indeed, ageusia is the total loss of taste whilst hypogeusia is just a decrease in taste sensitivity. Dysgeusia, for its part, is a disorder where the taste buds confuse a flavour for another. For example, you might find your mango e-liquid suddenly tastes like coconut.

Fortunately, there's a simple solution to all these taste disorders!

What are the causes of these taste disorders?

First of all, it's important to check if your e-liquid's lack of taste isn't caused by an equipment malfunction. Indeed, a worn-out, poorly soaked or defective coil can be behind many problems. If this isn't the case, it's your vaping habits that are causing the problem.

For beginner vapers

It's quite common for novices to experience some form of taste disorder. When you smoke, your taste buds are bombarded by the cigarette and their sensitivity is altered. Thus, the problems that people generally associate with vaping in the beginning are often just the after-effects of smoking.

However, your taste buds will thank you for giving up smoking. They'll quickly get back to normal and you'll soon be able to rediscover all sorts of flavours, whether it's in your e-cigarette or elsewhere!

It only takes a few weeks (usually 2 or 3) for your taste to recover, if you stop smoking for good. Therefore, it's important not to confuse dysgeusia with what is a symptom of your first step towards a successful smoking withdrawal!

For experienced vapers

It's these users who experience the most taste disorders, but they're often caused by an oversaturation of the taste buds.

The reason behind this is very simple. When vaping all day long, your taste buds are stimulated non-stop, which is why they can stop working entirely (ageusia) or partially (hypogeusia or dysgeusia).

The culprit behind these taste disorders usually is an e-liquid that's a bit too strongly flavoured, or an atomiser that vapourises too much liquid.

Indeed, some e-liquid manufacturers add a lot of flavouring to their recipes, usually to rapidly boost their taste. They also do this to limit the loss of flavour when an e-liquid is greatly heated with a dripper or a powerful atomiser, for example.

How can these taste disorders be cured?

If you happen to suffer from a bout of ageusia, hypogeusia or dysgeusia, the simplest and most effective solution is to let your taste buds rest for a while.

The obvious way of doing this is to stop vaping for a short while, but we know how difficult this can be, especially if you're using vaping to quit smoking. The other alternative is to vape a different flavour, one that isn't as overwhelming for your taste buds.

Vaping a neutral base liquid can help your taste buds recover faster, but you can also use mint or lemon-flavoured e-liquids, as they don't stimulate your senses as much. However, stick to simple liquids, avoid any gourmet lemon blends or explosive mint cocktails. Simplicity is key to a successful taste bud recovery!

There is a good way of preventing any taste bud saturation or exhaustion, though: just vary your flavours!

Indeed, if you regularly switch e-liquids during the day or even the week, you'll be stimulating your sense of taste and counteracting any fatigue that may occur. In turn, you'll less likely suffer from a vaping-related taste disorder!

Finally, we would like to remind you that taste disorders shouldn't be taken lightly. Even if they are often related to the liquid you're vaping, they can be caused by something quite different. If ever the problem doesn't disappear rapidly, or if it's too uncomfortable, we highly recommend you see a doctor.


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