Menthol Concentrates

The vape must-have is available in DIY! Arômes et Liquides offers a wide selection of mint concentrate for the making of your e-liquids for electronic cigarettes.

You can create your own e-liquid by preparing DIY bottles in one-flavor concentrates or in recipes by combining it with several concentrates to get the e-liquid that suits you! Do you lack inspiration? Don't worry, find complex recipes developed by the greatest vape brands in our catalog like the A&L Shiva Ultimate, the Subzero by Halo, and the Vape47's Enfer!

A selection of spearmint, mint leaves, menthol, or extra icy mint!

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Our choice of concentrates for making menthol e liquids

You DIY enthusiasts can make your own mint-flavoured e-liquids thanks to our large selection of varied and refreshing concentrates. Create your own unique blend, tailored to your personal taste and vaping style.

Simple menthol concentrates

Fans of simple mint flavours are spoilt for choice, as there are plenty of them to choose from. If you prefer a mild mint taste, opt for spearmint-based concentrates.

The Hybrid White, for example, is a subtle blend of mild tobacco and menthol that does a good job of mimicking your old menthol cigarettes. If you want a slightly more powerful freshness, pick the Spearmint concentrate, an incredibly fresh mint flavour that’ll leave an invigorating mouthfeel.

If you prefer an ice-cold mint, try the Menthe Extra Glaciale. It’ll wake up your taste buds with a bang and make your breath nice and fresh.

Complex menthol concentrates

If you want to add a bit of originality to your menthol e-liquids, you can try one of our more complex concentrates. The Hystérik, for example, is a surprising mix of mint, absinthe, liquorice and aniseed, resulting in a powerful and tasty vape. If you like bitter flavours, you’ll love the Diabolik and its tangy cocktail of mint, citruses and berries.

Finally, the sweet-toothed among you will want a taste of the Frozen Pond, a tasty blend of spearmint and creamy vanilla that’ll leave you with a fresh and smooth mouthfeel!

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