Fruity Concentrates

The fruity concentrates allow making of e-liquid for electronic cigarettes in DIY. Find pineapple, lemon, red fruits, strawberry, or orange flavors with hundreds of different recipes.

A&L has a wide selection of fruity concentrates for DIY e-liquid with the greatest brands of the vape world like A&L, VDLV, T-Juice, Full Moon, or Fruizee.

The concentrates are only meant to be diluted in a PG/VG base with or without nicotine. They cannot be used as it is. You can also mix different concentrates to create new recipes!

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A wide range of fruity flavours

Discover our large selection of fruity concentrates for making refreshing and delicious e-liquids. Fans of simple flavours will enjoy the authentic taste of berries, exotic fruits or citruses. Strawberries, cherries, pineapples, apples, pears and peaches are also available, and there are plenty more! These straightforward recipes can also include various fresheners or menthol.

You will also find more complex concentrates, comprised of blends of wild berries, summer fruits, or tropical fruits like pineapples, mangoes, lychees, kiwis or coconuts. They're sometimes enhanced with a dash of liquorice, mint, aniseed or champagne that'll amaze your taste buds. The fruity flavour concentrates are smoother when mixed with vanilla cream, yoghurt or whipped cream.

Many potential recipes

Fruity concentrates allow you to make many different recipes. If you enjoy tangy flavours, for example, you may consider a mix of lemon, tangerine and watermelon with a dash of mint, resulting in a zingy but fresh e-liquid.

Those who like a bit of originality can opt for a hint of chestnut, rhubarb or cactus. Indeed, these unusual flavours go well with the more classic grape, watermelon, apricot or banana flavours.

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