Tobacco Concentrates

Arômes et Liquides offers you a wide range of flavour concentrates that will remind you of your old cigar or cigarette.

Whether they are dry, tasty or with a nutty taste, the tobacco flavours will please electronic cigarette users who wish to quit smoking, as well as those who use atomisers that produce very hot vapour.

Find your ideal dosage by mixing the concentrates with the nicotined base of your choice. Enjoy A&L's classic recipes, or try a blend from another well-known brand!

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Classics: the original taste in e-liquid form

Using a classic concentrate when DIYing enables you to rediscover the original taste of tobacco, with or without nicotine. These concentrates convey the subtle flavours cigarette and cigar lovers enjoy. The Classic Sweet Home and the Classic RY4 offer a delicious taste of mild tobacco. 20 drops suffice to awaken your taste buds, as their aromas are both rich and complex. You can add 4 drops of cinnamon additive if you want a bit more character, it'll bring hints of vanilla spices and roasted hazelnuts to your vape juice.

Making classic e-liquids with a Cuban flair

Go back to the exotic roots of tobacco with these retro concentrates. The Classic Cuban's vapours remind us of the good old Havana cigars. In addition to the 23 drops required to make this noble mixture, you can add 2 drops of acetyl pyrazine. The latter will bring out the natural aromas by adding a smoky taste and a hint of roasted hazelnuts. You will also find mild tobacco flavours for making classic e liquids. The Classic Coconut takes you to a faraway land, and 1 drop of DNB additive makes the cigarette smoke flavour even stronger.

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and that my country’s legislation allows me
to buy products that contain nicotine.

If you don't smoke,
don't vape

Vaping is a transition to a tobacco-free life without dependency on nicotine

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